Welcome To Judaism Six Thirteen
A new Torah ecosystem that offers courses, shiurim, chaburos and more, through problem based learning methods!

What Are The Benefits To Problem Based Learning?
A person learns through his own natural abilities rather than being lectured to. This allows for greater mastery and retention. Which leads to greater confidence and ones ability to help others.
Active Participation
Whether learned individually or in a group, anybody can participate based on their own intuition. The leader, rather than being a sage on a stage, is a guide on the side!
Educator Friendly
This problem based learning game is ideal for seminars, classrooms, chaburas and local rabbanim who want to give a weekly class on Kashrut
Out of the Box Ready
This fun and compelling book is printed on thick high-quality paper in full color and laminated, it is meant to last through the generations and can be used as a tool for passing the mesorah of kashrut from parent to child!
Simple and Elegant
Each case is packed with halachic information to make it user friendly. A teacher need not be a posek to teach the basics of Kashrut and is backed by FULL support from the author.
Help Us Change The Way People Are Learning Torah!
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This Is Your Chance To Be A Part Of Something Big In Torah!
We are translating The Great Game of Kashrut into Hebrew. Donations of over $2500 will give you the opportunity to dedicate one of the available 32 cards in our new project: The Great Game of Kashrut (Hebrew edition). Donations of over $5400 will give you the opportunity to dedicate three of the available cards.
Donations of $180 will receive a copy of Rabbi Channen's both Keeping Kosher in The Kitchen and The Great Game of Kashrut (Choice of English or Hebrew).
Dear Chabura,
I'm very excited to invite students, alumni, friends and families to join me on any of the following cruises starting after Pesach. I've been sailing with KRC since 2015 and can attest that each cruise has been an extraordinary adventure. Let's get together, learn, travel and reconnect in an uplifting kosher environment!  Looking forward to hearing from you!
Chodesh tov,
R' Channen
Check Out Judaism613, Inc's Other Projects
Yeshivas Chonen Daas - Join our different chaburas and semicha groups.
Taam Kosher - Our Global Kashrut Organization
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